Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hillary's osanningar analyseras i media.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
"Operation Kaos" inledd.

Bagge kandidaterna har nu stora trovardighetsproblem.

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sir Paul McCartney svindlad pa 48.6 miljoner dollar.

Heater Mills bevisas vara en lognare, lycksokare och en rad andra saker. Har kommer ett utdrag ur rattegangsprotokollet. Mer foljer inom en snar framtid. AB
Approved Judgment
8. The husband’s case on financial provision for the wife is summarised at paragraph 9
of the opening note of Mr Mostyn QC as follows:
“We submit that fundamentally this is a straightforward case.
Because of H’s enormous pre-marital wealth and because of the
brief duration of this marriage W’s claim should be determined
by reference to the principle of need alone. This is not a case
where the principle of sharing of the “marital acquest” is
engaged at all. Nor is it a case where the principle of
compensation will arise. W’s needs fall to be fairly assessed,
not predominantly by reference to the standard of living during
the marriage. W’s award should be reduced to reflect her post-
separation misconduct. That misconduct is based on three
distinct episodes as explained in our Conduct Note.”
9. The wife’s case cannot be so succinctly summarised. By the time of the parties’ first
meeting in May of 1999 the wife says that she was wealthy and independent with, as
she told me in evidence, properties and cash totalling between £2m and £3m. She
earned her living as a TV presenter, a model and public speaker. She began to cohabit
with the husband from March 2000 which led seamlessly into marriage and thus the
relationship lasted 6 years. This is denied by the husband. The wife says that the
husband’s attitude towards her career was one of constriction such that the
opportunities for the development of her career fell away during their relationship.
He dictated what she could or could not do. She thus seeks compensation for the loss
of her career opportunity in that during their cohabitation and subsequent marriage
she forewent a lucrative and successful career. She seeks an award commensurate
with being the wife of, and the mother of the child of, an icon. She places great
weight on the contributions she says she has made to counselling the husband’s
children by his former marriage and to the husband’s professional career. She asserts
that his assets are worth in excess of £800m and that she is entitled to share in the
“marital acquest”. Finally, she asserts that throughout their marriage and after their
separation the husband behaved in such a way that it would be inequitable to
disregard and that his conduct should be reflected in the award.
10. During the course of this judgment I shall have to determine certain matters of fact.
11. The major factual issues as to the history of their relationship that I must determine
are these. First, at the time the parties met, was the wife a wealthy and independent
person? This is linked to the third issue. Second, did the parties cohabit from March
2000 or from the date of the marriage? The relevance of this issue is to the length of
their relationship and to the further issue of “marital acquest”. Third, did the husband
constrict the wife’s career after cohabitation (whether at March 2000 or June 2002)?
This is relevant to the issue of “compensation” for an allegedly lost or restricted
career of the wife.
12. I shall also have to determine issues of fact concerning the husband’s and the wife’s
assets, the wife’s proposed income needs, the wife’s expenditure between October
2006 and December 2007, and the wife’s earning capacity.
13. Many of the issues of fact involve a head on conflict between the evidence of the wife
and the husband, in which I shall also have to examine the relevant and important
documents. It is therefore appropriate that I should briefly say something at this stage
about the evidence of each of the parties.
14. The wife is a strong willed and determined personality. She has shown great fortitude
in the face of, and overcoming, her disability. I refer to the loss of her left leg below
the knee. As I shall show she is a kindly person and is devoted to her charitable
causes. She has conducted her own case before me with a steely, yet courteous,
15. The husband’s evidence was, in my judgment, balanced. He expressed himself
moderately though at times with justifiable irritation, if not anger. He was consistent,
accurate and honest.
16. But I regret to have to say I cannot say the same about the wife’s evidence. Having
watched and listened to her give evidence, having studied the documents, and having
given in her favour every allowance for the enormous strain she must have been under
(and in conducting her own case) I am driven to the conclusion that much of her
evidence, both written and oral, was not just inconsistent and inaccurate but also less
than candid. Overall she was a less than impressive witness.
Approved Judgment McCartney v Mills McCartney
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Obama kan inte forklara varfor denna USA hatande rasist ar hans inspiration.
Det ser illa ut for Obama nu nar media for forsta gangen forsoker granska honom. Det kan knappast bli battre for honom. SVD
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Fnask fornedrad av New York Guvernor i skandal.

Spitzer meddelade i morse att han formellt avgar pa Mandag. Ingen tid till oversattning tyvarr, men har finns skandalen forklarad.
Fran bloggen Iowahawk.New York - At a hastily scheduled morning press conference at the headquarters of New York’s exclusive Emperors Club prostitution ring, high priced call girl “Kristen” announced that she would temporarily step aside in the wake of charges that she had engaged in sex with New York Governor Eliot Spitzer.
“I made a serious mistake and betrayed the trust of my co-workers, my many clients, and my pimps,” she said in a quiet voice cracking with emotion. “I will be taking a leave of absence to earn their forgiveness, and redeem myself in the eyes of the entire expensive whore community.”
The embattled prostitute did not mention Spitzer by name, and stopped short of offering an official resignation. But longtime sex industry insiders say that it will be difficult for Kristen to return to her post in light of mounting federal wiretap evidence that she had sexually serviced the Governor on at least two occasions.
“It will be hard for her to spin her way out of this,” said Destinee Rizzo, editor of the trade journal Executive Concubine.“After taking on clients like that, her days as a five diamond, high-roller suite call girl are over. Frankly, with all the press coverage she’ll be lucky to get a job as a $5 truck stop lot lizard in Kentucky.”
“The big problem now is to keep this incident from threatening the whole expensive whore industry,” added Rizzo.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Tva diktatorer kan ligga bakom tva nya kriser i varlden.

Storkrig hotas i Sydamerika och i Libanon. Colombia hittade FARC ledaren, Raul Reyes i sitt hemliga gomstalle i Ecuador 1.8 km in fran gransen och angrep lagret och dodade honom med 16 andra FARC medlemmar. Ibland spillrorna hittades dokument och 3 datorer som visade att Venezuelas president Hugo Chavez har stott FARC med mycket stora belopp. Chavez har nyligen betalt FARC 300 miljoner dollar. FARC ar den revolutionara Columbianska marxistiska terror gruppen som lever pa nakotika och kidnappningar. Dokument visar att de aven handlat med Uran och kan vara beskyddad av Ecuador. Chavez stod till narcotraffickers har varit ganska okant hitttils, nu maste man omvardera hans roll i regionen. Chavez svarade pa angeppet mot FARC med att utvisa alla Colombianer och satta in militar i gransregionen mot Ecuador.
FN rostade for nya sanktioner mot Iran som vagrar ga med pa att avveckla sitt upparbetningsprogram. I Mandags gick det igenom FN's sakerhetsrad. Idag beordrade Saudi Arabien och en del andra arabstater alla sina medborgare att lamna Libanon.
Fragan ar vad som de tror ska handa. Forra gangen FN skulle rosta om sanktioner mot Iran sa beordrade Iran sina Hezbollah broder i Libanon att ga till angrepp mot Israel vilket utloste den vapnade konflikten mellan Hezbollah och Israel. Det fordrojde FN sanktioner mot Iran med flera manader. En intressant notering att Irans ledare och Venezuels ledare Chavez har starka personlig samarbetsband. Bagga ar fientligt installda till USA och vast men forsoker samarbeta sa mycket de kan. Det ar tva diktatorer som varlden kunde vara utan om man vill har en fredligare varld.
Clinton kan koppla av. Visar sina resurser.

Clinton vinner och far mer stod an vad poller och journalister spekulerat. Clinton vinner Rhode Island, Ohio och antas vinna Texas. Obama vinner i Vermont.
Texas har bade primarval och caucus. Clinton leder primarvalet, Obama leder caucaset. Texas har inte avlutat sina omrostningar annu och vantas fortsatta in i natten.
Obamas har borjat fa svara fragor av pressen, idag gick han ifran en presskonferens da fragorna borjade bli knepiga. Han promenerade ivag vilke ar ovanligt att se. De softball fragor demokraterna fatt i alla debatter har varit ren rutin att besvara. Der har knappt nagonsin fatt svara pa knepiga fragor. Den senaste fragan som dok upp kom ifran Clinton sidan, (som vanta har de mer ammunition) var att Obama har mot Kanadensiska diplomater som undrat over hans installning till det nordamerikanska frihandelavtalet. Enligt uppgift skulle han har lugnat ner Kanadensarna med att saja att hans offentliga hallning inte ar densamma som han egentligen stoder i den fragan. Da han forst fick fragan om det sa fornekade han att nagot mote hallits. Senare dok det upp en skriftlig bekraftelse pa att de motts och da fick han problem med att forklara det.
De senaste dagarna har Clinton sjunkit i undersokningar och poller och en del republikanska radio personligheter har gett sitt stod till Clinton och uppmanat sina lyssnare at rosta pa henne istallet for Obama. I Texas kan republikander rosta i det demokratiska primarvalet vilket de inte kan i alla stater. Den mest kanda radiopersonligheten, Rush Limbaugh uppmanade folk att trosta pa Clinton. Det kan ha gett resultat. Om hon skulle forlorat Texas och Ohio vilket ar det viktigare delstaterna av de som gar till val idag sa vore loppet kort for henns del. Om hon daremot vinner sa kan kampanjen fortsatta och det kan bli fraga om vem som har mest pengar kvar pa slutet som kan avgora.
For republikanerna vann John McCain alla fyra delstater. Huckabee kom pa andra plats och fick mellan 14 - 37% av rosterna i de olika delstaterna. SVD SVD2 DN DN2AB AB2 AB3SVD3
PS. Skenet kan bedra, det ni undrar handlar givetvis om Photoshopping.