Friday, November 20, 2009
Fp profilerar sig som ett borgerligt parti till skillnad mot M och C.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Landsförrädare vill inte kallas landsförrädare.

Friday, November 13, 2009
Resultat blir att Bin Ladens lustmordare slapps fria.

Obama administrationen har bestamt att 9-11 terroristerna som finns i forvar ska flyttas till USA for rattegang. De vill inte ha en rattegang pa Guantanamo pa Kuba dar man redan byggt en domstol och kommit langt pa vag mot en militar rattegang. Det offentligors samtidigt som Obama just lamnat landet for en 9-dagars resa till asien sa han slipper svara pa fragor om det.
Politiker sager:
Sen. Joe Lieberman I-Connecticut, agreed with Smith that suspected terrorists ought to be tried by military commissions.
"It is inconceivable that we would bring these alleged terrorists back to New York for trial, to the scene of the carnage they created eight years ago, and give them a platform to mock the suffering of their victims and the victims' families, and rally their followers to continue waging jihad against America," he said in a statement
The September 11 terrorists "are war criminals, not common criminals," he argued. They are "not American citizens entitled to all the constitutional rights American citizens have in our federal courts." Lieberman argued that the updated military commission system recently signed into law by Obama "provides standards of due process and fairness that fully comply with the requirements established by the Supreme Court and the Geneva Conventions."Some criticism also came from the Democratic side of the aisle. Virginia Sen. Jim Webb said he is "very concerned about the wisdom" of holding civilian trials instead of military tribunals."It will be disruptive, costly, and potentially counterproductive to try (the suspected terrorists) as criminals in our civilian courts," he warned. svd dn ab ab dn
Veteran political analyst Dick Morris tells Newsmax that the Obama administration is "deliberately mischaracterizing" the Fort Hood massacre by refusing to admit it was a terrorist attack.
Sverige kraver flyktingstopp, slut pa talamodet.

Sverige kraver att flyktingkaoset upphor. Hela folket kraver att det blir ett stopp och att man lagstiftar mot att Sverige oversvammas med oraknerliga nya flyktingar som overrumplar alla kommuner och kraver resurser som ingen har redovisat, kalkylerat eller ens diskuterat.
Sveriges i sarklass varsta politiker Ilmar Reepalu (s) i Malmo har borjat inkrakta pa andra kommuners resurser och omrade. Han skickar nya flyktingar till grannkommunerna eftersom Malmo sedan lange ar overfull med flyktingar. Det betyder att kommunalval har blivit betydelselosa. Grannkommunernas galna ledning bestammer i andra kommuner tydligen, de tar deras resurser utan att be om ursakt.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Det svenska immigrationssytemet ar bankrutt.

Monday, November 9, 2009
Varfor far landsforradaren sa mycket utrymme?

Sunday, November 8, 2009
SVD testar kanslorna hos folk.

Saturday, November 7, 2009
En minoritet av lokala muslimer hyllar Jihadist mordet.
Gavin Lee : There might be a lot of people shocked to hear you say that.
Duane: Well, that's the way it is. I don't speak for the community here but me personally I will not condemn him.
Gavin Lee : What are your thoughts towards those that were victims in this?
Duane : They were, in the end, they were troops who were going to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Muslims. I honestly have no pity for them. It's just like the majority of the people that will hear this, after five or six minutes they'll be shocked, after that they'll forget about them and go on their day.
Men samma person sager, enligt New York Times andra saker, inte lika chockerande:
Duane Reasoner Jr., an 18-year-old substitute teacher whose parents worked at Fort Hood, said Major Hassan was told he would be sent to Afghanistan on Nov. 28, and he did not like it.
“He said he should quit the Army,” Mr. Reasoner said. “In the Koran, you’re not supposed to have alliances with Jews or Christian or others, and if you are killed in the military fighting against Muslims, you will go to hell.”
Lyssna pa ett langre reportage pa BBC.
Stars ands Stripes pratade med samma person:
Just last week, Hasan expressed views that Muslims shouldn't serve in the military and fight other Muslims, according to Duane Reasoner Jr., a recent Muslim convert who had been having dinner regularly with Hasan.
Hasan had taken 18-year-old Reasoner under his wing, mentoring him in his new faith. After evening prayers he would often buy a fish dinner for Reasoner and sometimes the iman at the Golden Corral, a chain buffet restaurant. Besides mentioning that he prayed for a wife, the conversation almost never strayed from religion, Reasoner said, describing Hasan as warm and caring.
Hur manga fler Jihadister finns det i Killien och i resten av USA? svd dn ab
Friday, November 6, 2009
Jihadist mordar soldater i Fort Hood.

En muslimsk man med Jordanskt/Palestiniskt ursprung mordade 13 soldater i Fort Hood som ar en av varldens storsta militarbaser.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Var star Obama, stoder han frihet eller Islamskt fortryck undrar iranier.
Det enda valloftet som antydde att Obama var mainstream och i par med vardagsamerikanerna var hans aterkommande prat om att konflikten i Aghganistan ar den viktiga fronten. Nu har hans generaler begart forstarkningar dit, men Obama har inte ens svarat pa flera manader. Med vinterns snofall sa blir en sen forstarkning hopplost insnoad. Istallet for att bygga forstarkningarna innan snon faller sa blir det inget av med hostens strategiska uppbyggnad.
Hans bristande intresse ar ofattabar i alla kretsar. De som vill ha ut trupperna far inte heller klart besked. Allt Obama gor nu faller ihop som korthus. Alla hans valskrivna tal som han var duktig pa att lasa upp i sin teleprompter minskar i varde eftersom han inte klarar eller vill forverkliga nagra av sina hogtflygande planer. En mer vilseledande kampanj kan jag inte komma pa.
Opinionen har natt ett nytt stadium dar manga av de som in i det sista vill halla pa Obama och stoder hans planer, tvingas separera sig fran hans arbetsmetoder och planer.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Obama har inte lyckats med en enda sak.

Hur många gånger folk har tagit ett djupt andetag efter att han meddelat ett nytt program går inte ens att räkna.